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!!! Welcome to Shree Kulswami co-op. Credit Society LTD
Various Loan Schemes
Urban- RS. 5,000 TO RS. 300,000/-
Rural- RS. 5,000 TO RS. 100,000/-
Interest rate: 16% PA
Documents Required For The Loan Needed
The Borrower + Guarantor (2) : - A photo of each
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - Ration card copy- Proof of residence (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - Current months light bill / Rent receipt / Telephone bill / Rent agreement letter (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - PAN card copy / Driving license (certified letter)
Debtor - Bank Statements, 5 Cheques
Guarantor (2) :- Bank Statement
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - Current and previous two years income tax papers
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - If a salaried, Form No. 16 A, Identity Card Copy copy, Salary Slip
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - A.P.M.C / Gumasta License / Business License
Loan Limit for New vehicle - 40,00,000/-
For Individuals - 60 months - 14%
For Business - 60 months - 14%
Old vehicle (3 Years Old) - 5,00,000/- 36 months - 14% - (50% of Evaluation)
Documents Required For The Loan
The Borrower + Guarantor ( 2 ) : - A photo of each
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - Ration card copy- Proof of residence (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - Current months light bill / Rent receipt / Telephone bill / Rent agreement letter (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - PAN card copy / Driving license (certified letter)
Debtor - Bank Statements, 5 Cheques
Guarantor :- Bank Statement
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - Current and previous two years income tax papers
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - If a salaried, Form No. 16 A, Identity Card Copy, Salary Slip
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - A.P.M.C / Gumasta License / Business License
Borrower : - The purchase of the vehicle quotation, Booking Receipt, RC Book and Insurance Documentation, Note of organization burden of debt, Invoice bill, Tax receipt
Home Loan/ Banding Loan - 1,50,00,000/- 240 months - 10%
Home Loan/ Banding & Repair Loan - 1,50,00,000/- 240 months - 13%
Shop/ Office Loan - 1,50,00,000/- 180 months - 13%
Documents Required For The Loan Needed
Borrower and Guarantor should submit a certified copy of the following documents
The Borrower + Guarantor ( 2 ) : - A photo of each
The Borrower + Guarantor (2):- Ration card, Proof of Residence
The Borrower + Guarantor (2):- Light bill of the Current Months / Rent Receipt / Telephone Bill / Rental Agreement
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - PAN Card / Driving Licence
Debtor - Bank Statements, 5 Cheques
Guarantor :- Bank Statement
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): -Income Tax papers of Current year and the Previous 2 years
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): -If Salaried then Form16A, I Card Xerox, Salary slip
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - APMC Licence / Gumasta License / Business License
A) Require Documents for Housing Society
1) The original copy of the agreement between 1st buyer & builder as well as Chain Agreements / Stamp duty receipts.
2) The agreement between current seller or the person who sold room to current seller along with Building OC .
3) NOC from Hosing Society letter to Seller to sell the apartment and Add borrower to add into Society member.
4) NOC from Hosing Society letter to Seller to sell the apartment and Add borrower to add into Society member.
5) Housing Society NOC.
B) Document Required For House Purchase From Builder
1) Booking Agreement between Borrower and Buider, Registration copy.
2) Building Structure MAP, Authorized Building permission plan from local government .
3) Builder NOC.
4) Payment receipts while booking Building/room.
5) Building completion Duration, Architech's Letter, OC, Request letter for Slab-wise Payment
C)House Purchase Form CIDCO / MHADA
1) Letter of allotment
2) NOC from CIDCO / Mhada
3) Initial payment to CIDCO / Mhada
4) Possession Letter / Sale Agreement
D) Take Over Loan To Buy A House
1) Borrower's flat/shop Original copy from bank
2) NOC from bank for Loan Transfer
3) Loan Balance details from Bank
4) Loan completion certificate from Bank
Commercial loan: - Loan Rs. 1,50,00,000 - 84 months to 180 months - 13%
(70% of land mortgage assessment)
Commercial loan: - Loan Rs. 1,50,00,000 - 84 months to 180 months - 14%
(50% of land mortgage assessment)
Documents Required For The Loan
Please submit below set of documents with borrower and guarantor
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - A photo of each
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - ration - proof of residence (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - for the current months light bill / rent receipt / telephone bill / rental agreement letter (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - PAN Copy /Driving license (certified letter)
Debtor - Bank Statements, 5 Cheques
Guarantor :- Bank Statement
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - Current year income tax papers and the previous two years
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - If a salaried, Form No. 16 A, Identity Card Copy, Salary Slip
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - A.P.M.C / gumasta license / business license
Borrower- Original file of Chain Agreement, Builder NOC, APMC NOC
Upto Rs. 25,00,000/-
For 120 months
Interest rate: 12% P.A.
Documents Required For The Loan
Please submit below set of documents with borrower and guarantor
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - A photo of each
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - ration - proof of residence (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - for the current months light bill / rent receipt / telephone bill / rental agreement letter (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - PAN Copy / Driving license (certified letter)
Debtor - Bank Statements, 5 Cheques
Guarantor :- Bank Statement
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - Current year income tax papers and the previous two years
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - If a salaried, Form No. 16 A, Identity Card Copy, Salary Slip
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - A.P.M.C / gumasta license / business license
Original receipt of Mortgage Assets & School/College Admission Receipt
Cash credit Loan : 50,00,000 (50% of Real Estate House/Office/ Real Estat Land / NA Plot/ Vacant plot Market Values)
120 months (Renewal every Year)- 14%
Documents Required For The Loan
Please submit below set of documents with borrower and guarantor
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - A photo of each
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - ration - proof of residence (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - for the current months light bill / rent receipt / telephone bill / rental agreement letter (certified letter)
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - PAN Copy / Driving license (certified letter)
Debtor - Bank Statements, 5 Cheques
Guarantor :- Bank Statement
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - Current year income tax papers and the previous two years
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - If a salaried, Form No. 16 A, Identity Card Copy, Salary Slip
The Borrower + Guarantor (2): - A.P.M.C / gumasta license / business license
Borrower- Original file of Chain Agreement, APMC NOC
70 to 85% of Evaluation
Limit :25,00,000 - 12 Months - 11%
Documents Required For The Loan
Please submit below set of documents with borrower and guarantor
Loan Upto 85% of Gold Amount
Cash credit facility
Permission letter if it belongs to female property
Valuation 50%
Loan limit: Rs.10,00,000 /-
Repayment period of the loan is 60 months
Interest rate of loan - 14%
Real Estate House/Office/Shop 70%
Loan limit Rs.1,50,00,000 /-
Repayment period of the loan is 180 months
Interest rate of loan - 13%
Real Estate House/Office/Shop 50%
Loan limit Rs.1,50,00,000 /-
Repayment period of the loan is 180 months
Interest rate of loan - 14%
Property and machinery 50%
Loan limit Rs.10,00,000 /-
Repayment period of the loan is 60 months
Interest rate of loan - 14%
limit of Market Valuation 50%
Loan limit Rs.5,00,000 /-
Repayment period of the loan is 60 months
Interest rate of loan - 14%
The society's attentive wealth position at end of March 2024 is as per following:-
No of Branches
No of Members
Members Deposits
Rs. 924 Crores
Own Fund
Rs.111 Crores
Playing Capital
Rs. 1115 Crores
Recovered Share Capital
Rs. 48.45 Crores
Loan to Members
Rs. 742 Crores
C.D Ratio
67 | 41
Rs. 308 Crores
Audit Class Continuously
'A' class
We are committed to service
Our Mission
50 up-to-date branches ready for service with online service from selected agricultural cities of the state.
Expert guidance and easy financial support for business growth by creating 5 lakh active members of the site.
Service to members from all Branches through Shri Kulswami Mobile.
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